Monday, June 13, 2011


Today's obsession is watermelon, sweet, juicy, wonderful, delicious watermelon.

My mom makes this sauce that she drizzles over fresh fruit (don't know where she got the recipe) but it's absolutely amazing, and that is specifically what I was craving today.  So here is how you do it:

Start with fresh fruit - I used watermelon and red grapes.  It's also delicious with strawberries, blueberries and cantaloupe, and probably any other fruit!  Cut fruit and place in bowl:

Mix equal parts of lime juice and honey:

Pour mixture over fruit, and enjoy!  I especially like it after it has sat for awhile and all the flavors soak together, I also prefer it chilled. 

I am going to let it sit overnight, and let all the flavors soak together... then I am going to put the watermelon chunks and grapes on skewers and try freezing them, I'm pretty sure it's going to be delicious!  I'll let you know how it turns out!

Here is a recipe from Bon Apetit that I really want to try too! 


I have been working on multiple blog posts about our surprise for over a month, but I just don't feel like finishing any of them, none of them seemed quite right... so here it is: 

We're having another baby! 

Here is the timeline of events:
  • April 13th - Positive pregnancy test
  • April 14th - 2nd Positive pregnancy test.. had to make sure the first one was right :)
  • April 27th - First ultrasound to determine my due date, I found out I was 6 weeks 4 days pregnant with a due date of December 17th.  A Christmas baby!?!?!  I have always said how badly I don't want a Christmas baby, but I have gotten more used to the idea over the last couple months, so I think it will be just fine!
  • June 1st - Second doctor appointment, at 11 weeks 4 days.  The doctor couldn't find the heartbeat, so she sent me on to the hospital to have another ultrasound... you could say I was freaking out a bit at this point.  Got to the hospital, had the ultrasound and saw the baby right away, moving, kicking, heart beating.. it was great!  Baby measured right at 12 weeks!
So, we found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks 4 days, and kept it a secret from most people until after the June 1st ultrasound... that was a long 7 weeks!  Especially since I feel like I look 6 months pregnant...

We told Kara right away, and she is super excited!  We bought Kara a 'Big Sister' t-shirt and she loves it, she wants to wear it constantly!  She is also obsessed with looking at pictures of the baby on my phone via the babycenter app.. which are obviously not pictures of our baby, but she thinks they are!  Last week she put her hand on my belly and said "The baby kicked my hand" haha, she is too funny!  Kara is 100% convinced that we are having a baby girl, and so far I am too... only a few more weeks and we will be able to find out!

Anyway, that is our big exciting surprise!  Now that it's out there expect lots of posts about cravings, mood swings, etc..... 

Here is baby at 6 weeks 4 days, heartrate 114, pretty much just a blob!

And here is baby at 11 weeks, 4 days, heartrate 167 - I tried to outline the baby because it is very hard to see in this picture, but on the ultrasound I could see the baby's head, body, arms, legs.. such a difference 5 weeks can make!