Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kara - A Year in Pictures!

A look back at some of my favorite Kara pictures from 2009!  I tried to limit myself to one picture for each month, but I just don't have that much self control!

January 2009!
Kara trying to crawl

February 2009!

March 2009!

April 2009!

May 2009!

June 2009!

July 2009!

August 2009!
Kara turns one!

September 2009!

October 2009!

November 2009!

December 2009!

Monday, December 28, 2009

September 2009

5 Year Anniversary
This was actually on August 28th, but I am too lazy to make a separate post... This is a collage of pictures from our 5 year wedding anniversary! Joe and I celebrated by going downtown for the night. We had an awesome dinner, went out for drinks with friends and had our first night alone without Kara since she was born. We had a great time and Grandma Julie got to have a slumber party with Kara!

Woodbury Days!
Here are some pics from the Woodbury Days parade. This parade is always awesome, it is over an hour and a half long, but its always really fun! And it starts about a block away from our house, so that makes it even better!!

MN State Fair 2009...
You can always count on the state fair for a lovely assortment of nutritious and delicious foods, such as....
Chocolate covered bacon, cheese curds, pizza, blooming onion, french fries, nut roll, mini donuts, cookies and popcorn chicken.

During our walks from one food stand to the next we also manged to see POS perform on The Current stage, Kara enjoyed some chocolate chip cookies, and Jayla had her first taste of pizza... so many memories!

30/20 Birthday Party

My mom celebrated her 50th!! birthday this year! My Sistafriend and I decided to get some sweet revenge and we turned a snuggie into a jump snug for her, it was probably the best idea we ever had!

We even made an infomercial...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! It appears that I have once again let my blog become covered in cobwebs. Shall I make a new years resolution now that I will try to update my blog weekly? Maybe I should stick with a more realistic goal and say I will update it monthly! :)

Since my last post Kara has become quite the little toddler! Its hard for me to call her my baby anymore. She is constantly learning new words, doing new things and seeing how far our patience will stretch. She has definitely figured out how to manipulate us, but I am pretty sure that started when she was about 5 months old! She is just the most adorable, wonderful little girl!

We just got done celebrating Christmas and we had such a blast. I can't even tell you how many different Christmas activities we fit into a one week time period, but we sure had fun! We had Christmas Eve at our house with Michelle, Dre, Jayden and Jayla, Jerry and Becky, and Emily and Scott. Kara got so many new toys, books and dvds, and we only had one meltdown which all started when Kara tried to get into her doll carrier(which she doesn't fit into). Kara woke up at 4 in the morning Christmas morning, and I was expecting to go in her room and lay her back down, but I walked in to find her sitting in her crib and as soon as I got in her room she said "Santa". So I got her out of her crib and we read The Night Before Christmas a couple of times and then she was ready to go back to sleep.

Christmas morning we opened our gifts from Santa - he brought Kara lots of new books! Joe and I got Kara a membership to the Children's Museum, I can't wait to bring her! Later in the day we went to Grandma Julie's house where Kara got her very own kitchen! She had lots of fun opening more gifts and playing with her cousins.

Kara is so lucky to have so many wonderful people in her life - starting with her parents, of course! And all of her grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. It is really nice to be so close to everyone, and let everyone enjoy our beautiful little girl as much as we do!

Merry Christmas Everyone!! I hope your day was blessed, and filled with memories that will last a lifetime!

Just in case you were wondering... This is what a 16 month old who has had too many treats looks like...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 1st, 2009 - Kara's First Birthday!

Today was such a special day, our baby girl turned one. Its so hard to believe that Kara is one, this past year has just flown by. We have watched Kara grow from a 6lb 15 ounce newborn, into a walking, talking, silly little monster! Everyday with Kara is so special, and its amazing to watch her change and learn new things. Her personality comes out more and more everyday and she couldn't be a more perfect mix of Joe and I. You can tell that Kara hangs out with her older cousin Jayden way too often, as one of her favorite things to do is growl!!

For Kara's birthday we had a party with family and friends at Kara's great grandparents house. We grilled some burgers and hot dogs, Kara played with all the kids, opened presents and then devoured her cupcake! The weather was perfect and it was so much fun to have everyone together and watch Kara have so much fun!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

April 8th 2009 - My 26th Birthday!

Today is the day that I turn 26!
For birthday dinner we went out The Happy Gnome, where you can never go wrong! They change their dinner menu seasonally, and always have great options - along with an endless supply or beer! Then for dessert.. they offer a selection of flavors of Izzy's Ice Cream I would recommend the Salted Caramel - its delish!
We had a lovely dinner, here are a few snapshots, they are mostly of my adorable daughter.. surprise, surprise!

April 7th 2009 - Sleepy baby

I shot this picture of Kara through the rear window of my car. She was just too cute, passed out in her car seat with Anne Francisca, I couldn't resist!

April 1st, 2009 - 8 Months Old!!

New things Kara can do at 8 months old

Wave bye-bye
Give kisses
Clap hands

On April 5th, Kara's second tooth came through!

Kara only sometimes give us kisses when we ask, but she always kisses her dolls and stuffed animals when we ask her to give them kisses!

Everytime we take out the camera Kara stops and smiles for us! She is such a little cheese!

March 2009

These are just a few of my favorite random pictures from the month of March.

Kara playing with her sock that she pulled off of her foot, this is one of her favorite things to do!

My little cutie pie with her cute shirt and shoes


And even cuter!!

March 17th 2009 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

These are some pics that Daddy shot of Kara wearing her adorable St. Patty's Day dress from Karen and Mason!

Monday, June 15, 2009

March 6th 2009 - Julie and Leonard's Baby Shower

Some favorite pics from Julie and Leonard's baby shower. A picture of the lovely pregnant lady, Kara and Mia having girl talk, The family(yes, Kara was trying to eat her shoe), Kara making a funny face while eating peas and a picture of me and my baby girl!